Agriculture Subsidies: Unlikely Allies

Valerie Marshall is a law student at Duke University School of Law and guest contributor on this blog. One of FBLE’s recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill is to reform commodity programs to direct subsidies towards farmers in genuine need of support. Farm commodity programs support farmers who produce certain crops by subsidizing guaranteed income levels in the face of…

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Perennial Agriculture: An Old New Way of Farming

Valerie Marshall is a law student at Duke University School of Law and guest contributor on this blog. Supporting the wide adoption of perennial agriculture is one of FBLE’s top 2023 Farm Bill recommendations to support climate change adaptation, risk management, and natural resources conservation. But above all, FBLE posits that investing in perennial agriculture would be one of the…

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Crop Insurance Subsidy Caps: the NSAC Report

Valerie Marshall is a law student at Duke University School of Law and guest contributor on this blog. In FBLE’s 2023 Farm Viability report, FBLE recommends establishing a system for reducing crop insurance subsidies to farms as their annual gross income increases. The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) recently released a report about the effects of placing caps on crop…

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