How Pesticides Hurt Us All

Luca Greco is a law student in the HLS Food Law & Policy Clinic and a guest contributor to this blog. Pesticides pose a fundamental threat to environmental justice communities around the country, not only in rural areas, but also in urban areas. While many might picture crop dusters and fields of corn when they think of pesticides, their widespread use…

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Food Access for the Formerly Incarcerated

The 2023 Farm Bill presents an opportunity for the Biden Administration to address some of the key restrictions on the Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (“SNAP”) that prevent those most in need of assistance from accessing the program. SNAP represents one of the most successful and essential parts of federal food assistance. USDA research indicates that SNAP reduces food insecurity among…

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Harnessing Farmworkers’ Victories in the 2023 Farm Bill

Luca Greco is a law student in the HLS Food Law & Policy Clinic and a guest contributor to this blog. Due to racist exclusions at the time of their passage, the many New Deal labor and employment protections that cover nearly every industry have long excluded farmworkers from their essential protections. Given that the agricultural workforce is now predominately comprised…

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